I’m excited about joining poet friend Gary Lawless and another poet Keith Walker on January 7 at the Curtis Memorial Library, Brunswick for this event, Magic Words for the New Year. We certainly need some magic words to help guide us in the days ahead! And no one is more capable of providing those than Gary, one of Maine’s literary treasures. I’m honored to be included and will share some “magic” words of my own from my two novels. Hope to see you there!
It’s been a year since my novel “Coming Home” came out and I’m looking forward to an anniversary event at the Rutherford Library in South Bristol on Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 3 p.m. This beautiful and busy little library in one of the most scenic areas of Maine schedules art shows and book talks all year-round and I’m grateful to director Priscilla for organizing this talk for me. “Coming Home” is very much about Christmas and family members who gather, then go on unexpected journeys and gather again the following year to share their stories. Hope to see you there!
I’m excited about going up to the Wendell Gilley Museum in Southwest Harbor this Friday, September 27 to discuss my novel “Coming Home.” This is a fabulous museum dedicated to teaching and learning about the natural world through art, literature, nature walks and talks. Thank you to Melinda for organizing this for me. I’ll be in conversation with noted Maine author Earl Brechlin beginning at 5.30 p.m. The event is co-sponsored by the Southwest Harbor Public Library. Thanks to that institution as well. https://www.mdislander.com/announcements/community/maine-author-speaks-at-wendell-gilley-museum-sept-27/article_1c5ca33a-6c7e-11ef-9c51-97ccad4b9618.html
I’ll be discussing my new book “Coming Home” at the Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library on Saturday, September 21 at 11 a.m. Thanks to Bethany for arranging this talk for me. Please join us at this wonderful local library. Here is a link to the event. Hope to see you there! https://bbhlibrary.org/event/author-talk-with-kay-liss/
I’ll be discussing my new book “Coming Home” at the Bristol Area Library on Wednesday, June 26 at 5 p.m. I’ll be in conversation with Chris Hall, who was a university president, Bristol Town Manager and recent recipient of the Frances Perkins Award. I am so excited about this event as Chris is such an insightful reader and liked my book so much he offered to do an interview. Please join us at this wonderful local library. https://lcnme.com/arts/author-kay-tobler-liss-at-the-bristol-area-library/
On Saturday, May 18 at 10 a.m. I’ll be at the Maine Jung Center in Brunswick to discuss my book “Coming Home.” It will be delightful to join folks in this cozy, inspiring space to explore the novel’s main theme of our connection to the natural world. What are the places that have a special meaning to you and how have they helped you come to certain realizations will be some of the questions we’ll address. Jung engaged in intense explorations of his connection to nature to help him uncover truths about himself and the world. Here is a link to the program to learn more and to sign up: https://www.mainejungcenter.org/programs
On Thursday, April 11, I’ll be at the Merry Barn in Edgecomb as the featured author in the Sounding Board program for writers:https://www.merrybarn.com/soundingboard. It’s a fun, interactive platform for writers to share their work. The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. Thanks to Stephanie and Kelsey for inviting me.
On Thurs. Feb. 1 at 6:30 p.m., I’ll have a conversation about my book with Joseph Cote at the Camden Library. Joseph is known to many in the area as a professor of Shakespeare and a wonderful actor. This event will be hybrid. Here are some more details: https://www.librarycamden.org/event/coming-home-author-talk-with-kay-tobler-liss/ Many thanks to Julia, library program director, for organizing this event!
My upcoming event for my new novel “Coming Home” will be at the Bremen Library on Thursday, January 11 at 2 p.m. Thank you to Kristen Budlong for hosting me. I had a wonderful book event there three years ago for my first novel. Hope you’ll be able to join us.
So excited to be launching my new novel “Coming Home” at Skidompha Library in Damariscotta on December 7, 2023! It will be a Chats with Champions author event co-hosted by Sherman’s Bookstore. I’ll be in conversation with Karen Filler of the library board, and sign copies of my book. The event begins at 10 a.m. See you there!
I am thrilled I’ll finally be doing a book talk and reading at the Montauk Library! The library had been closed for events for two years while getting a new fabulous addition. In August 2020, soon after the publication of my novel “The Last Resort” (which has Montauk as its setting), I did some book events in the area, but was not able to do one at the place I most wanted to. The library is currently celebrating the bicentennial of Fredrick Law Olmsted, who designed landscapes for a number of historic Montauk mansions. My story, of a man’s transformation through the beauty of the Montauk landscape and through learning of its Native American history, will be part of the series. It’s scheduled for Friday, August 26 from 5 to 6 p.m. Can’t wait to be back in Montauk!
My next event will be a series of talks at the Maine Jung Center in Brunswick. I am very excited about this as it will give me an excellent opportunity to discuss my novel’s themes more in-depth than I have at other events, such as at bookstores. I will speak on three different occasions on subjects such as the hero’s mythic journey, the four ancient elements as symbols of transformation and Native American wisdom vs. Christian beliefs. The dates are Sundays May 8, 15 and 22 from 2 to 4 p.m. Here is a link for more information and to register: https://www.mainejungcenter.org/events/the-last-resort/
My next event will be at Cupacity, the popular downtown Damariscotta cafe, on Saturday, November 27 at 4:30 p.m. I’ll be doing a talk and reading from my novel, “The Last Resort,” focusing in particular on the Native American theme as we celebrate Native American Heritage month. We will be accepting donations for the Wabanaki Alliance which is fighting for deserved sovereignty status. I’m grateful to Susan Murphy, community-minded proprietor of Cupacity, for making this happen. Here is a link to the cafe’s website:https://cupacity.cafe/events . And here is portrait of one of the guiding spirits in my novel, Stephen Talkhouse Pharaoh.